Benefits of Chi Nei Tsang

Balance Energy & Emotions

Chi Nei Tsang aims to balance the flow of chi within the body, which is believed to be essential for overall well-being.

Improved Circulation

By promoting better blood and energy circulation, Chi Nei Tsang can enhance overall vitality and the body's natural healing abilities.

Digestive Health

Chi Nei Tsang can improve digestion by addressing issues like constipation, bloating, and abdominal discomfort, encouraging healthy function and flow of the digestive organs.

Stress Reduction

This massage technique relaxes the abdominal muscles and nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.


By stimulating the organs in the abdomen, Chi Nei Tsang can support the detoxification processes, helping the body eliminate waste and toxins more effectively.

Pain Relief

It may alleviate abdominal pain and discomfort associated with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), menstrual cramps, and organ-related issues.

Increased Awareness

Through abdominal massage, individuals may develop a heightened awareness of their body's internal energy, leading to a deeper connection with their inner selves.

Helps Dissolve Blockages

Stagnant energy and emotions can be stored over time in the abdomen, releasing this supports spiritual harmony, emotional clarity and overall well being.


First Booking

90 min Chi Nei Tsang & *free 30min consultation

90min Chi Nei Tsang

For you who have already had the initial consultation

5 x 90min Chi Nei Tsang

To receive the full healing effect it is recommended to have 5 sessions